About CLS

Confessional Lutheran Singles is not affiliated with any particular synod or church.

This site was created simply to fill a need that is lacking in most of our churches – especially the smaller ones. By no fault of their own, churches tend not to cater to singles once they graduate from school, possibly because it's not a group that most people want to remain in permanently.

Whatever the reason, CLS was created to help fill this gap and to give everyone a larger group of people to explore while being single.

And it's not just for young people. CLS was originally created to help older singles in our congregations find someone. We know that it becomes more and more difficult to find someone the older we get, so hopefully this site will help bring those of us together who need it the most.

CLS is still relatively new, so please tell everyone you know about this site. And if you have any ideas on how we can better promote CLS, let us know by clicking the Contact Us button below.

If you're not familiar with confessional Lutherism, click the "Augsburg Confession" link above to learn more.