
By using the CLS website, you agree to hold harmless CLS, your church, synod, pastor, or any other entity that promotes the CLS dating site. Even though we do everything we possibly can to secure our site, you are participating at your own risk.

Here are some common sense rules to follow whenever you deal with anyone over the Internet:

  1. Do not give out any personal information, including — but not limited to — your address, phone number, SS#, etc. to anyone.
  2. If you decide to meet someone in person that you've met through this or any other site, please meet them in a public place.
  3. Do not give out your login password to anyone – including a CLS representative, your pastor, your mother, etc. Your password is private and should remain so. CLS will never ask for your password to verify who you are.


Site Rules

Here are a few simple rules that everyone must follow:

  1. Do not give out your password to anyone for any reason. This includes your pastor, your mother, your BFF, etc. 1
  2. Do not share/post screenshots or any other information from this site either by email, text, IM, social media, etc. All information on this site is private and must remain so.
  3. Do not spam anyone with multiple emails. Please respect everyone's wishes even if they differ from your own.
  4. Do not contact another member for any purpose other than to find a mate or to make a friend. Sending unsolicited rants, random thoughts, conspiracy theories, derogatory statements, etc. will not be tolerated.
  5. Do not post questionable or suggestive photos of yourself. Photos like this will be cause for immediate expulsion.
  6. Do not post photos of yourself with questionable words or slogans on any clothing or sign. Again, these kinds of photos will be cause for immediate expulsion.
  7. Do not violate anyone's personal space. This is a broad topic, but basically it boils down to using common sense.
  8. We're all Christians on this site, so we should act accordingly. Emotions can sometimes run high – especially online – so think about what you say and how you say it before you send it. If you're not 100% sure you should say something, don't. A good rule of thumb is to sleep on it before sending it.

Anyone caught willfully violating these rules will be removed and permanently banned from this site.

If you feel that someone has used your information inappropriately, please let us know by clicking the Contact Us button below.

1] All traffic on this site is monitored for abuse.